Dr. Chitra Devi
Assistant Professor- chitra@drcollege.ac.in
- 7002737996
Specialization : Laboratory Practical
Area of Research : Teaching and Guiding Students
Research Publications in journals/ books/conference proceedings etc.:
1. Sri Aurobindo Ghose and His ideals of Education. PRATITEE, ISSN 2277-5579, Vol.VI, 2014-15, D.R.College, Golaghat
2. ‘Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement of Children in Secondary Level’- REFLECTION, ISBN:978-81-921849-5-1,2017, D.R.College, Golaghat
3. ‘Socio-Economic Status of Parents and its effects on Academic Achievement of Students of Class-X Board Examination of Sivasagar District, Assam.’ Reflection Vol.IV. ISBN: 978-93-82931-24-9. August 2019
4. ‘A Study on Inclusive Education in Golaghat District of Assam.’ Purakala (UGC Care Journal), ISSN: 0971-2143, Vol-31-Issue-35-May-2020.
5. ‘Academic Achievement of the Students of Higher Secondary Final Examination and Parental Involvement in it’ published in International journal of Research in Social Science, Vol.10, Issue 6th June, 2020, ISSN : 2249-2496. Impact Factor:7.081
6. ‘Academic Achievement of the Students of Higher Secondary Final Examination and Parental Involvement in it’ published in International journal of Research in Social Science, Vol.10, Issue 6th June, 2020, ISSN : 2249-2496. Impact Factor:7.081
7. ‘Cooperative Learning-A Introduction as a Learning Strategy.’ Reflection Vol. V. ISBN: 978-81-951202-2-92 August 2021.
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Participation in National and International Seminars/conferences:
1. Paper Presented on ‘Environmental Degradation and Environmental Education’- UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Deptt. of PhiIosophy , DCB Girl’s College in collaboration with Purva Bharati Educational Trust, Jorhat , Assam on 11th & 12th Sept. 2015.
2. Paper Presented on ‘Semester System and its advantages’ -- NAAC sponsored National Seminar organized by Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam on Changing Scenario in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation System of Higher Education held on 31st Oct and 1st November.2015.
3. Paper Presented on ‘Flipped Classroom- as an Innovative Teaching Strategy’ – UGC sponsored One Day National Workshop organized by Deptt. of Mathematics, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam on Some Aspects of Teaching-Learning & Evaluation Processin Semester System held on 1st June.2018.
4. Paper Presented on ‘Educational Thoughts of Dr. Radhakrishnan and its relevance to the Present Education System of India’ – ICSSR sponsored National seminar organized by Deptt. of Education, Sapekhati College, Sivasagar, Assam on Relevance of thoughts and ideas of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan to 21st Century held on 25th & 26th October’2018.
5. Paper Presented on ‘Educational Thoughts of Dr. Radhakrishnan and its relevance to the Present Education System of India’ – ICSSR sponsored National seminar organized by Deptt. of Education, Sapekhati College, Sivasagar, Assam on Relevance of thoughts and ideas of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan to 21st Century held on 25th & 26th October’2018.
6. Paper Presented on ‘Role of Teacher for Improving the Quality of Higher Education’ –National seminar organized by IQAC, Mariani College, Assam on Teaching, Learning & Evaluation held on 27th & 28th Feb’2019
7. Paper Presented on ‘Higher Education and Teaching-Learning Strategies – A Study’-- NAAC sponsored National Seminar organized by IQAC , Furkating College, Golaghat on Innovative Practices for Enhancement and Sustenance of Quality in the Institutions of Higher Education: Trends and Prospects. 7th & 8th June,2019
8. A Four Week online course on ‘ Cooperative Learning Pedagogy” completed with distinction offered by GHG Khalsa College of Education, Gurusar Sadhar, Punjab Through mookit.co –a course developed under the UNESCO’s OE4BW online mentoring program-2019.(22nd May- 18th June’2020).
9. Participated and completed MOOCs on ‘Introduction to Statistical Analysis’ offered by commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) & Kalinga Institute of Social Science from 01May to 10 June 2021.
Orientation Programme:
Participated and completed UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme from 7th February 2018 to 6th March,2018 at Human resource Development Centre, Gauhati University.
Refresher Courses:
1. Participated and completed Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on ‘Curriculum and Pedagogy’ on 07-21 June 2021 organised by TLC, Tezpur University.
2. Participated and completed SWAYAM ARPIT online course on ‘Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary) from 1st Dec 2020 to 31st March2021.
1. Participated in International online conference on ‘Teaching-Learniing in the Time of Pandemic: Role of Online Learning’ organized by K.K.H.State Open University, Guwahati. 21-22 April’2020.
2. Participated in International E-Conference on ‘ Strategies & Challenges in Higher Education during COVID-19 Lockdown period in India with reference to the World’ organized by Government og Maharastra, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, Amravati, Marastra.(15th May-17th May’2020).
3. Participated in International Virtual Conference on ‘Role of Technology in the Era of Covid-19 for Education’organised by Uttarakhand science Education & research Centre (USERC).9, 7th & 8th June’2020).
4. Participated in Three Days International Conference on EQ,SQ,HQ and Value Based Learning: relook on Education System organized by St.Aloysius Institute of Technology, JBP on 9th to 11th July,20
5. Participated in Two Days National e-Conference on Sustainable Development: Challenges & Opportunities post COVID-19 organized by St.Aloysius Institute of Technology, JBP on 1st - 2nd th July,2020
1. Attended in one day workshop on ‘India’s draft National Education Policy-2019 with particular reference to Reforms in Higher Education’ at Joya Gogoi College, Golaghat. 2nd November’2019.
2. Attended in one day workshop on ‘Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & SWAYAM’ organized by Research and Extension Cell, IQAC, H.P.B. Girls’ College, Golaghat, Assam 25th April’2019.
3. Participated in Two day Workshop on ‘Online Basic Training on Use of ICT in Teaching’ organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University under PMMMNMTTscheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt.of India. (20th &23rd April’2020).
4. Participated in Virtual Workshop on ‘ problem Based Learniing (PBL): An Effective Student Centred Teaching Methodology’ organized by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Assam Down Town University, Assam. (23rd May’2020).
5. Completed One Week National Workshop on ‘Interdisciplinary Research Methodology , ICT Application & Innovations in Teaching Learning Process’ organized by St. francis De Sales College, Nagpur, Maharastra June’2020.
6. Participated in Three Day national level online Workshop on ‘ Emerging Applications of ICT Tools in Higher Education’ organized by Deptt. of Microbiology, government Degree & P.G.College, Gajwel, Telangana. (11-13 June’2020)
7. Participated in Online National level Capacity Building Workshop on ‘ E-Learning and E-Content Development’ organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell of V.O.C. College of Education, Tamilnadu. (6th-10th July)
8. Participated in One Day National Workshop on ‘ The Importance of ICT and Its Tools’ organized by Deptt. of English and IQAC, Saradha gangadharan College, Puducherry on 23rd July,2020
Faculty Development Programme:
1. Participated and completed 6 Days Faculty Development Programme on e-Learning and e-Content Development conducted by Jorhat extention Centre of NIELIT Guwahati at Debraj Roy College, Golaghat held from 26th March to 31st March’2019.
2. Participated in Seven Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘ Preparation of Self-Learning Materials for University and College Learners’ organized by Dibrugarh University, Assam. ( 12th-18th May’2020)
3. Participated and completed One week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching Padagogy organized by IQAC, Dr. R.K.B. Law College, Dibrugarh in collaboration with Skillfinity, Guwahati and Academic Support from Teaching-Learning Centre, Tezpur University. (22nd June -28th June’2020)
4. Participated in One week National Level Faculty Development Programme on ‘ G Suite & Allied Tools in Education, Teaching & E-Content Development’ organized Post Graduate Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university, Amravati. ( 26th June-4th July’2020)
5. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on ‘ Outcome Based Education’ organized by Schools of Arts, Science and Commerce and IQAC , Rai University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat in Association with Inpods India, Pune on 22nd to 24th July’2020.
6. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on ‘ Innovative Teaching & Learning Methods’ organized by St. Xavier’s College For Women, Aluva in May’2020.
7. Participated and completed NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (funded by MHRD, Govt.of India) on Jan-March 2021.
8. Participated in Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on ‘ Quality Assessment & Enhancement in higher Education in the Light of New Framework of NAAC’ conducted by GHG Khalsa College of Education, Ludhiana Under Paramarash Scheme of UGC from 22.06.2021 to 29.06.2021.
9. Participated in One week National Level Faculty Development Programme on ‘ Teaching, Learning and Practices’ conducted by IQAC Cell, Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Oddanchatram, Tamilnadu. (12.07.2021 to 18.07.2021)
10. Participated in 10 hours Faculty Development Programme on ‘ Leadership Skills (Online Live FDP) conducted by ICT Academy on 07 Feb 2022 to 11 Feb 2022.
1. Participated in online Webinar on ‘How to Publish Research Paper?’ Organised by PG & Research Department of Computer Science & Application, Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women ( Autonomous), Tamil Nadu. 22nd May’2020.
2. Participated in online Webinar on ‘Future of Higher Education’ Organised by Shri Vaishnav College of Commerce, Indore, M.P., May’2020.
3. Participated in International Webinar on ‘Post-Covid -19 Educational Scenario: Prospects and Challenges’ Organised by School of Education (PMMMNMTT) under Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Uttarakhand. June’2020.
4. Participated in Two day International Webinar on ‘Pedagogical Transformation in Teacher Education after Pandemic : way Forward.’ Organised by Teachers’ Training College, Bhagalpur, Bihar. 14th & 15th June’2020.
5. Participated in Webinar on ‘ Awareness Programme on Use of E Resources’ Organised by Central Library & IQAC, Kendriya Mahavidyalaya, Jorhat on 17th June’2020.
6. Participated in Webinar on ‘Randomness and Probability Theory’ Organised by Deptt. of Statistics ,Debraj Roy College in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell on 26-27th July’2020.
7. Participated in Webinar on ‘Convergance of ODL & Conventional System of Education in pandemic Period’ Organised by IGNOU ,Debraj Roy College in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell on 24th July’2020.
8. Participated in National Level Webinar on ‘Citation of Sources in APA Format (7th Edition)’ Organised by IQAC & Centre for Research of V.O.C. College of Education, Tamilnadu on July 2020.
9. Participated in National Level Webinar on ‘Open Source Software for E-Content Development-OBS Studio’ Organised by St. Xavier’s Institute of Education-Mumbai, Library on 6th July,2020.
10. Participated in International Level Webinar on ‘The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women and family Health’ Organised by IQAC, College of Education, Nagaon and Zoological society of Assam on 17th August 2020.
11. Participated in International Level Webinar on ‘The Pandemic and Educational Challenges’ Organised by IQAC, Joya Gogoi College of Education, Khumtai, Assam on 22nd August 2020.
12. Participated in Webinar on ‘Reorenting Academic Leardership, Pedagogy and Research in the Time of Crisis’ Organised by Deptt. of Education, Tezpur University, Assam on 30th May 2020.
13. Participated in Webinar on ‘Covid-19 Challenges to higher Education in Assam’ Organised by Rangia College in collaboration of ICT Academy on 08th July,2020.
14. Participated in online Webinar on ‘How to Publish Research Paper?’ Organised by PG & Research Department of Computer Science & Application, Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women ( Autonomous), Tamil Nadu. 22nd May’2020.
Membership in Professonal Bodies/organization/committees:
1. Member, ACTA ,Debraj Roy College unit.
2. Executive Member of Women Cell, Assam College Teachers association (ACTA) 2021-22
Extension Activities:
1. Distribution of food items to poor people during covid-19
2. Participation in awareness programme to aware the people of village areas during Covid -19.
Other Responsibilities:
1. Served as In-charge of Girls’ Common Room 2018-19
2. Assistant Secretary of Women Forum –PREETITI since 2019
3. Treasurer of Women Forum –PREETITI since 2019
4. Member of Students’ Activity Cell, IQAC, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat since 2018
5. Contributing in the capacity of National Webinar on ‘Mental Health of Youngsters & COVID-19’ organized by Deptt.of Education and IQAC, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat through Zoom virtual Platform on 10th July,2020.
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