Mrs. Anima Kutum
Assistant Professor-
- 8638025112
Specialization : Mycology and plant Pathology
Area of Research : Aquatic Plants in relation to water quality of wetland
Paper Published in National/ International Journals:
- A.Kutum, R.Sarmah and D. Hazarika (2011): An ethno botanical study of Mishing tribe living in fringe villages of Kaziranga national park of Assam, India. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences Vol.1:(4): 45-61 (ISSN:2231-6245)
- A. Saikia, M. Pratim , R.Sarmah and A.Kutum(2017) :Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPS) and their Role in LivelihoodEconomy of the Tribal People in Upper Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, Research and Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences e-ISSN: 2320-0189, p-ISSN: 2347-2308pp 24-2
- A Kutum, M Chetia, C. Bordoloi S. P Saikia (2022): Diversity of Aquatic Macrophytes of SankarBeel (Wetland) of Golaghat District of Assam with special reference to physiochemical water quality parameters.Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences,394-398. DOI:10.12691/aees-10-6-9 Vol. 10, No. 6
- A Kutum, A Saikia,D.Dutta, J. Saikia (2022): Physicochemical `properties of soil samples from Golaghat District of Assam Bioinfolet UGC-CARE approved Journal of life Sciences Print ISSN:0973-1431,Online ISSN: 0978-4755 Vol.19 (1)
- A.Kutum,C.Bordoloi, S. P Saikia (2022): Ethno medicinal study of some aquatic Macrophytes in Merapani of Golaghat District, Assam BioinfoletUGC-CARE approved Journal of life Sciences Print ISSN:0973-1431,Online ISSN: 0978-4755 Vol.19(2)
Articles / Chapters published in Book
1. A. Kutum (2016) Traditional Rice Beer prepared by Mishing Tribes of Golaghat Reflection,2nd Edition by JinkuBorkotoky,BiplobGogoi published by Publication cell D.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-81-921849-7-5pp.12-16
2. A. Kutum (2016) :Ethno botany of Rice-beer ,NaginApong and Po:roApong prepared by Indigenous Mishing Tribe of Jorhat District ,Assam by 1st Edition Vision June,ISBN: 978-81-92955-20-9,pp 42-49.
3. A.Kutum,M.Chetia and J.Saikia (2020) :Biodiversity ofVesicular ArbuscularMycorrhizal (Vam) Fungi in Tectonagrandis trees of four selected districts of Assam, India. Research interventions and advancement in plant sciences, Bhumi publication, first edition ,ISBN : 978-93-88901-14-7., pp 155-160
4. A.Kutum, A.Saikia (2016) :Ethno botanical study of the Mishingtribe living in fringe villages of Kaziranga national park of Assam, India on 11th and 12th Nov,2016 Medicinal Plants Research of North East India. ISBN: 978-81-921.
5. A.Kutum (2016) Traditional Rice Beer Prepared by Mishing Tribes of Golaghat.Reflection,2nd Edition, JinkuBorkotoky,BiplobGogoi published by Publication cell D.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-81-921849-7-5pp.12-16
6. A.Kutum(2017)Study and Documentation of Tree Diversity in D.R.College campus,Golaghat,Assam,,DebeswarBoruah Publication cell, D.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-81-921849-5-1 pp.101-106
7. A.Kutum, M.Chetia (2019): A study on the phytochemical properties of Sarcochlamuspulcherrima,a medicinal plant of Mishing Community of AssamBook of Proceeding, National seminar on “Conservation and preservation of Bio resources in North East India” organized by dept. ofBotany, Chemistry and Zoology of CNB College, Bokakhat ,28th and 29th ,June,ISBN : 978-8-941574-0-3 pp 166-172
8. A.Kutum (2019): Uses of Alpiniaallughus in Indigenous Mishing Community,Assam DebeswarBaruah and JinkuBorkotoky .Reflection Publication cell, D.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-93-82931-24-9 Vol –IV pp
9. Anima Kutum,ApurbaSaikia,RoshanSharmah(2022) Documentation of Aquatic Macrophytes of Pond Reservoirs’ of D.R Colleges premises ,Golaghat, Assam published by Publication cell, IQACD.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-93-91883-26-3Vol –VIpp 145-150
10. EkhaniSaikia,PorismitaHazarika, Anima Kutum, JayantaBarukial (2022)-Wetland Angiospermic flora of Golaghat District of Assam published by Publication cell, IQACD.R.College ,Golaghat Assam ISBN: 978-93-91883-26-3Vol –VIpp 151-163
Papers presented in Conferences / Seminars/ Workshops/ Symposia:
1. Presented paper on “Traditional Rice Beer- prepared by Mishing Tribe of Jorhat District Assam,”inInternational conference on Harnessing the Sub-Himalayan Plant Diversity for Human Welfare organised by Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarhon11th-13th March, 2015.
2. Presented paper on “Survey and Analysis of different types of soil in Golaghat District, Assam”in National Seminar on Emerging Issues of Agriculture and Allied Sector in North East India: Past, Present and the Forward, organized by Department of Economics, D.R.CollegeGolaghat, Assam on 7th&8thApril,2017
3. Presented paper on “Traditionally used herbs in the preparation of rice beer by karbi tribe, KarbiAnglong District ,” in UGC sponsored national seminar on Indigenous food of different communities of North east India organized by Dept. Home science, DigboiMahavidyalaya On 8th and 9th Sep,2017
4. Presented paper on “Influence of Vesicular-ArbuscularMycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and flower quality of Chrysanthemum, Golaghat district, Assam.”inUGC sponsored national seminar on Recent trends in environment responsive chemical processes organized by Dept. of Chemistry,D.RCollrge,Golaghat on 22nd and 23rd Sep,2017
5. Presented paper on “Ethnobotony of Rice beer, NoginApong and po:roapong prepared by Mishing tribe of JorhatDist,Assam” inNational seminar on Underutilized plant resources of North-east India organized by Institutional biotech Hub, Assam University-Diphu Campus on 27th to 28th March,2018
6. Presented paper on “Seasonal occurrence of leaf surface micro flora in Tea ( Camelliasinensis(L) ...Jorhat district Assam.”in InternationalAcademy of Science and Research Kolkata, West Bengal, India hosted by DHSK, College, Assam on 21-22, January, 2019.
7. Presented paper on “A study on the phytochemical properties of Sarcochlamuspulcherrima,a medicinal plant of Mishing Community of Assam” in National seminar on “Conservation and preservation of Bio resources in North East India” organized by dept. ofBotany, Chemistry and Zoology of CNB College, Bokakhat, 28th and 29th, June, 2019.
8. Presented paper on “Importance of ethno botany. Mishing Community near Kaziranga National Park,” National Conference of stakeholders on conservation, Resource Development and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants of North Eastern India organized by Dept.of botany Nagaland University on 6th and 7th March,2019
9. Presented paper on “Diversity of Aquatic Macrophytes of SankarBeel (Wetland) of Golaghat District of Assam with special reference to physiochemical water quality parameters.” in 1st International Web conference on “ Advances in Material Science & Applied Biology Organized by Dr.PatangraoKadamMahavidyalaya, Ramanandnagar (Bruti) on 27th and 28th January.2022
10. Presented paper on “Study of some aquatic medicinal macrophytes of GhoramaraBeel (wetland) and its conservation,Golaghat District, Assam”in National seminar on Conservation of Biodiversity with potential for application in Agriculture and Sericulture in North East India organizedDepartment of Botany,USTM in collaboration with Central Silk Borad,Assam on 25th and 26th March,2022
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Training Courses/ Refresher Courses
1.Refresher Course on life science (Botany) organized by UGC-HRDC, North Bengal University from 06-07-2017 to 26-07-2017
2.108th Orientation Programme organized by UGC-HRDC,Gauhati University 30th May to 26th June,2016
3.Online two week Inter- Disciplinary Refresher Course on managing Online Classes,Co creating Moocs 5.0 from 11-25,May, 2021 teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education.
Faculty Development Programmes
1. Participated one Week Faculty Development Programme on “Use of ICT tools for classroom teaching organized by E & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association with JorhatKendryaMahavidalaya,Jorhat from 1st to 6th July,2019
2. Participated one Week Faculty Development Programme on Scilab and its Application organized by E & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association D.R College from 4th to 8th July, 2019.
3. FDP on “Preparation of Self Learning Materials for University and College Learners organized by Dibrugarh University, Assam India from 12th to 18th May,2020
4. Online FDP on Artificial Intelligence, MachinesLearning Robots organized by Dept. of Computer Science & Electronics USTM on 6th to 10th Sept,2021
Participation in seminar/conference/workshop
1. National workshop on “Problems and prospects of tea plantation and management in North –East India” sponsored by Community College Scheme under UGC, New Delhi organized by Community College & IQAC Cell , JorhatKendriyaMahavidyalaya on 16th and 17thDecember,2016
2. Three days DBT-Sponsored National workshop on Bioinformatics on IBT Hub (DBT), Debraj Roy College, Golaghat 25thto 27thMarch, 2017
3. Namami Brahmaputra Festival, organized by District Administration of Golaghat on March, 2017at Golaghat.
4. National seminar on National resources for drug discovery and development on organized by Dept. of Pharmaceuticals sciences, Dibrugarh ,University on 24th 25th ,2018
5. Participated in one day workshop on CBCS and Swayam at H.P.B. Girls College, Golaghat organized by Seminar Sub Committee of Golden Jubilee Celebration in association with Research & Extension cell, IQAC held on April 25, 2019.
6. Participated in ICSSR Sponsored national seminar on sustainable development of tourism in in North-East India with special reference to world heritage site KNP organized by JDSG College, Bokakhat on 26th 27th April,2019
7. Participated State/ Zonal level workshop organized by Teachers Unit Jaya Gogoi College in collaboration with Golaghat Zonal Committee ,ACTA on 2nd Navember,2019
8. National webinar on Uncertain Science, Mathematics organized by Dept. Of Mathematics ,D.R college in collaboration with IQAC of College on 22nd July,2020
9. National webinar on Research Methodology organized by dept. of Zoology D.R College in collaboration with IQAC of College on 14th July,2020
10. Online National workshop on NAAC Awareness Programme for Assessment and Accreditation organized by Bankura University, West Bengal on 28th June,2020
Members in state/national/international organizations
- Life member of Assam Science Society
- Life member of “ the Society for Environment and Sustainable Development(SESD),3rd July( Certificate ID: SESD21-1140
ExtentionActivities done a
s Officer I/C of NCC from 2018-to 2020
1. Organized road cleaning in GolaghatTown programme on 22-09-2019 with NCC students.
2. Organized foot rally and blood donation camp at D.R college ,on 24-11-19 on the occasion of NCC day
3. Conducted Plogging Programme on 07-12-2019
4. NCC girls won 3rd prize in Parade competition within inter college of Golaghat on 26th January,2020.
5. Organized Awareness Programme on Immunization on 8thMarch ,2020 at D.R college ,Golaghat.
6. FIT India online Awareness campaign by NCC from 15thto 14 sep,2020
7. Organised Awareness campaign on covid -19 from 10th Aug to 31 Aug,2020
8. Organised Swarchh Bharat Mission at Late Hem Boruah Memorial Statue on 21 th October ,2020
9. AIDs Day celebration on 1st Dece,2020
Extension Activities
Extention Activities done as an In-charge of NCC 74 girls from 2018 to 2020
- Organized road cleaning programme with NCCstudents in Golaghat Town programme on 22-09-2019.
- Organized foot rally and blood donation camp at D.R college, on 24-11-19 on theoccasion of NCC day
- Conducted Plogging Programme on 07-12-2019
- NCC girls won 3 rdprizes in Parade competition within inter college of Golaghat on 26 thJanuary, 2020.
- Organized Awareness Programme on Immunization on 8 theMarch, 2020 at D.R collegeGolaghat.
- FIT India online Awareness campaign by NCC from 15 th to 14 sep,2020
- Organised Awareness campaign on covid -19 from 10 Aug to 31st Aug,2020
- Participated offline awareness campaign on Covid 19 from 17th to 25th August 2020 at Golaghat Market area with thirteen students of NCC students.
- Organised Swarchh Bharat Mission at Late HemBoruah Memorial Statue on 21th October ,2020
- Observed AIDs Day celebration on 1st Dece,2020
Extention Activities done as a secretary of women cell of Debraj Roy College from 2018 to 2020
1. Inter College Group Discussion Competition was organised by Women’s Cell, Golaghat Zone, ACTA, in collaboration with Prateeti on 14th October 2017.
2. Organized Health Awareness Programme held on 2nd April 2018 and the resource person was Dr.ManjulaHazarika, Civil Hospital, and Golaghat. She mainly discussed about adolescent health and maternal mortality rates.
3. Organized International Yoga Day on 21 st June 2018
4.Organized Flood relief in Golaghat District,2019
5. Organized Health Awareness’ Programme at Dandadhar Girls High School, Speaker Dr.SunitaEkka.( Golaghat Civil Hospital)
6. Organized an awareness programme on LPG Safety Clinic in collaboration with Sarma Gas agencies Speaker Mrs.JinumoniBoruah on 18th,Feb,2019
Others extension activity
1. Performed as Judge, Science model and project competition, Organised by District level ArryaBhatta Science Centre, on 01-10-15
2. Participated chorus competition at J.D.S.G college organized by Annual Teachers meet , Golaghat Zone on 18th Nov,2022
Contribution to cooperate life and Management of the Institution
- In-charge of social service ,Student Union 2014 to 2015
- Member of World Environmental Environmental Day observation committee during 2014
- Member, Student Admission Committee of Science for session 2013 -2021
- Member, Health and Hygiene Cell, D. R. College Golaghat,2013-to 2021
- Escort of Filed study of B.Sc. IV th sem ,Gibban Wild life century on 22-0 2019
- Performed as judge in Group Discussion in college week, at,D.Rcollege on 4th Jan,2019
- Performed as judge in music chair competition in college week at D.R college on 4th , Jan,2019
- Member of World Environmental Day observation committee during 2019
- Member of organizing model completion at Vevekananda,2019 Golaghat
- Attending as escort of students of D.R college for development programme at Kaziranga University,Jorhat,2019
- Member of Science day celebration on ,28th Feb,2022
- Observed World wildlife Day 3rd March,2022
- Organizing member of workshop cum-training on biological science forum.D,R college in collaboration with IQAC, P.G dept of life science on 10th to 12th April,2022.
- Escort for P.G 3rd Semester field visit at Kaziranga National Park on 19th November,2022
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