Dr. Amal Kr. Sarmah

Associate Professor
  • amal@drcollege.ac.in
  • 9435526077

Specialization : Theoretical Physics
Qualification :Classical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Optics.
Area of Research : Cosmology, Neutrino Physics

1. In Search of Dirac Neutrino masses through baryogenesis in normal hierarchy, Euro Phys J C48 (2006)625-626 By Amal Kr Sarma. )

2. Baryogenesis from inverted hierarchical mass models with tribimaximal mixings, Indian Journal of Physics, 81(3)(2007)389-394, By Amal Kr Sarma and N Nimai Singh.

3. Type II seesaw models and  baryon asymmetry, Nucl Phys B765 (2007.), By Amal Kr Sarma, H Zeen Devi and N Nimai Singh.

4. Discrimination of Neutrino mass models, Indian Journal of Physics, 84(6),637-641 (2010) by N Nimai Singh, H Zeen Devi, A K Sarma and M Patgiri.  

5. Constraint on the validity of Neutrino Mass Models through Thermal and Non-Thermal Leptogenesis by Ng. K.Francis, N.N.Nimai Singh, H.Zeen Devi and Amal Kr.Sarma,  International Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 1 No.2 (2011)14, ISSN 2249-3174.

6.Survival of Neutrino Mass Models in Non Thermal Leptogenesis by Amal Kr Sarma, H.Zeen Devi and N.Nimai Singh, International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vol 5, No.4(2011) 518-523.

7. Choice of Majorana Phases in leptogenesis, Indian Journal of Physics(2012), by A K Sarma and H Zeen Devi. 

Papers Presented:

(1)   Presented one paper entitled ‘ Estimation of baryon asymmetry for different neutrino mass models’ at the Physics Academy of North-East Conference, January 2007, Gauhati University.

(2)  Presented one paper at Symposium on High Energy Physics organized by Banaras Hindu University, 2008.

(3)  Presented one paper at  International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics(ICNPA 2011) Italy, Venice.



 (1)  '' From metric tensor to Einstein’s Equation of General Relativity '', ISBN No: 978-81-921849-1-3.

(2)  "Neutrinos in Cosmology" ISBN No. 978-81-921849-5-1.

(3)  "Introduction to Supersymmetry, Horizon, ",  The Journal of Physics, Guwahati University.

(4) "Are we alone in the universe?" Publication Cell, Debraj Roy College (Golaghat, Assam, 2021).


Research Projects / Fellowship:

(1)  "Normal hierarchical mass model: Nonthermal leptogenesis and prediction of reheat temperature and inflation mass.", University Grants Commission, 2011.

(2) Two months Summer Research Fellowship of Indian Academy of Sciences, 2012, Physical Research Laboratory.


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 1.  UGC Sponsored  Refresher Course in Physics, July 6-26, 2001, Dibrugarh University

2.   All India Refresher  Course in Theoretical Physics, Nov 18-30,2001, Hyderabad University, Organised by Indian Academy of Sciences.

3.   UGC Sponsored Orientation Course, 5th July to 1st August 2002, Banaras Hindu University.  

4.   Department of Science and Technology (DST) Sponsored 20th  Science and Engineering Research Council main school in Theoretical High Energy Physics, 4-24 December 2004, Indian Institute of Technology,  Kanpur.

5.  DST Sponsored Faculty Development   Programme  on Entrepreneurship, 7-18th  January 2008, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Guwahati.

6.  Attended ‘Nu Horizon III: Neutrinos in Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology’ 8-10 February 2010, held at Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.

7. UGC Sponsored refresher course in Physics, 04-23rd July 2011, University of Calcutta. UGC Sponsored refresher course in Computer Application,  07-27 September 2011, Aligarh Muslim University.

8.  Refresher Course in Physics,  University of Calcutta (UGC), July 4-23, 2011.

9.  Short Term Course in Soft Skills, North East Hill University, (UGC). Oct 17-22, 2016.

10.  Participated in the online lecture series organized by  Indian Association of Physics Teachers on 3rd July 2021.



(i) Life member of Assam Science Society

(ii) Life member of Physics Academy of North East (PANE)

1. Worked as Judge in the Science Exhibition at Golaghat Jatiya vidyalaya on 28 Feb 2012.

2. Judge, Science model Competition, Aryabhatta Science Center, 24th March 2013 (Dandadhar Girl’s High  School, Golaghat)

3. Resource Person in the Workshop “Development of Supplementary material on problem solving approaches in physical sciences for secondary level”(6-10 Jan, 2014 and 25 -28 Feb 2014) organized by NCERT.

4. Judge, District level T.L.M Competition, 17 Oct 2015. Judge at the Science Exhibition, organized by Office of the Inspector of Schools, Golaghat, during 14-16th November, 2015.

5. Judge, Science model Competition, Aryabhatta Science Center, 3rd Feb 2019 (Govt. Bezboruah Higher Secondary School, Golaghat)


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