Dr. Porismita Hazarika

Assistant Professor
  • porismita@drcollege.ac.in

Specialization : BOTANY (Cytogenetics and Crop Improvement)
Area of Research : My research area include Phytochemistry, Cytogenetics, Molecular Plant taxonomy, Bryology and Industrial Pollution.

  1. Hazarika Porismita & Barukial, J (2022). A Taxonomic Treatment of Corticolous Mossesfrom Nambor Reserve Forest, Golaghat, Assam, India. Eco. Env.  and Cons., 28(01s),121-128. ISSN 0971-76X. http://dx.doi.org/10.53550/EEC.2022.v28i01s.017
  2. Hazarika, Porismita & Barukial, J(2021).Diversity of Corticolous Mosses of Upper Assam, Sarmah, A.K & Bhattacharjee, J(Editors).Reflection Vol-V-288-304 Publication Cell, D. R. College, Golaghat (ISBN: 978-81-195202-2-2)
  3. Hazarika. P, Hazarika. A & Gogoi.T. Seasonal occurrence of leaf surface microflora in tea [C. sinensis (L.) Kuntze] cultivars TV1,TV23 and P126 of Meleng tea Estate,Jorhat and the effect of fungicide Propiconazol on those leaf surface microflora,Chaliha, M & Chetia, M(Editors).Reflection Vol-VI-169-180 Publication Cell, D. R. College, Golaghat (ISBN: 978-93-91883-26-3)

  4. Saikia.E, Hazarika. P,Kutum .A & Brukial. J.Wetland angiospermic flora of Golaghat District of Assam,India.Chaliha, M & Chetia, M(Editors).Reflection Vol-VI-151-163 Publication Cell, D. R. College, Golaghat (ISBN: 978-93-91883-26-3)

  5. Barukial, J., Hazarika, P. (2022). Bryophytes as an Accumulator of Toxic Elements from the Environment: Recent Advances. In: Murthy, H.N. (eds) Bioactive Compounds in Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97415-2_6-1

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i. Participated in one day GATC seminar series on second generation sequencing
technology in Regional medical Research Centre ,Dibrugarh,2017.

ii. Participated in one day “Thinking Social Seminar- connecting youth to social enterprise”
organised by TATA’s social enterprise challenge-a joint iniative with IIM Calcutta
innovation Park.

iii. Participated in the Two –Day International Webinar On “Trajectory of COVID-19
Pandemic: Awareness, Treatment and Genomic Insight for Future Development”
Organized by Department of Microbiology, Bankura Sammilani College, West
Bengal, India on 14 th and 15 th June.2020.

iv. Participated in the webinar on “Trends in Publishing” organized by SPRINGER
NATURE in collaboration with INFLIBNET CENTRE on 16 th June, 2020.

v. Participated in the international webinar on “Anthropogenic Impact on Environment”
organized by the Department of Zoology, Diphu Government College, Diphu in
association with Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College on 18 th June,

vi. Participated in the webinar entitled “Biotechniques” organized by the Department of
Botany, Dhemaji College in association with Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) of
the College on 20 th June, 2020.

vii. Participated in the webinar on “Publishing Ethics: The Role of Publishers, Journals,
Researchers and Institutions” organized by SPRINGER NATURE in collaboration
with INFLIBNET CENTRE on 25th June, 2020.

viii. Participated in the webinar on “Microbiome-Perceptions and Perspectives” organized
by Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt Ltd on 27th June, 2020.

ix. Participated in the national webinar on “ Bioresources in Human Welfare” organized
by the Department of Botany, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat in association with
Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College on 12 th July, 2020.

x. Participated in the webinar on “Ethnobotanical Research in North East India:
Potentiality & Possibility” Organized by NORTH EASTERN INSTITUTE OF
FOLK MEDICINE, PASIGHAT on 27th July, 2020.

xi. Participated in the webinar “Trends in Biomedicine & Life sciences Publishing and
Nuances & Tools of Scientific Publishing” organized by SPRINGER NATURE in
collaboration with DeLCON on 2 nd September, 2020.

xii. Participated in the webinar entitled “Introduction to Genome Sequencing” organized
by Department of Biotechnology, TERI school of advanced studies, New Delhi on
12 th September, 2020.

xiii.Participated in the webinar “Publishing Ethics in biomedicine & Life Sciences
Research” organized by SPRINGER NATURE in collaboration with DeLCON on 16th
September, 2020.

xiv. Participated in the webinar “ Springer Nature Experiments: How to find the protocols
and methods you need for your research” on 18th September,2020.

xv. Participated in the workshop cum training  on " Biological Sequence Analysis" held on 10th-11th April,2022 organised by BSF, Debraj Roy College 



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