Miss Priyankhi Borgohain
Assistant Professor- priyankhi@drcollege.ac.in
Specialization : Fish & Fisheries
Area of Research : Aquaculture.
1. Biodiversity and Conservation of Arthopods Natural Enemies in Tea Plantations of India: An Appraisal.Eco.Env.& CONS.27(4):1885-1895(2021).Scopus Index ISSN 0971-765X.
2. Physico-chemical characteristics and Fish Composition of Rangajan beel of Golaghat district, Assam. Reflection 5.189-215. ISBN:978-81-951202-2-2 .
3. A comprative behaviour analysis of Philosamia ricini (Donovan) . Reflection. 6.181-189. ISBN: 978-93-91883-26-3.
No Data Found!1. Participated in a 3 days DBT Sponsored workshop on Bioinformatics organized by Institutional Biotech Hub (IBH), Debraj Roy College, Golaghat from 25 to 27 March, 2017.
2. Presented a paper entitiled "A Review on Community used Herbal Plants of Assam with Antidiabetic Potential" in a ''National Seminar on Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and AromaticPlants Research and its Sustainable Development in North East India" organized by Department of Herbal Science& Tecchnology,A.D.P College, Nagaon, Assam on 17& 18 August 2018, .
3. Participated in a 30days Skill Development Certificate Training Course on ''Aqua Clinics & Aquapreneurship Development Programme'' organized byCollege of Fisheries, Assam Agricultural University, Nagaon from 27/08/2019 to 25/9/2019.
4.Participated in a 3 days workshop on "Basics on Geographic Imformation System(GIS)'' organized by ''Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & Envioronment'' on 10-12 February,2020.
5. Presented a paper on ''National Seminar on Advances in Aquaculture and Biodiversity'' organized by Department of Zoology,Gauhati University, Guwahati held on 28-29 November,2019.
6. Participated in 7 days workshop on ''Tools and Techniques for Conservation of Biodiversity'' organized by Department of Environmental Science,Tezpur University, Assam held on 21-27 November,2022
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